Last week, we talked about products and essential oils to support our workouts and exercise. This week, we’re shifting gears to talk about supplements and how they can help our overall wellness. I’ll be honest, I really thought all supplements were the same – whether they were from Costco or my local health food store. Boy, was I wrong! Since I’ve starting using Young Living supplements, I can actually feel the difference when I don’t take them.
So I know what you’re thinking. January is the time when you want to do a cleanse of some sort to jump-start your system. Well, did you know that Young Living has the 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse?
The 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse facilitates gentle and effective cleansing to improve overall health and well-being. A minimum of four, easy cleanses a year with our 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse and continued nutritional maintenance will help balance the extremes of the standard American diet.
Here’s what’s included:
1) Ningxia Red, an energizing, replenishing, whole wolfberry nutrient infusion (1500 ml )
2) Balance Complete, a super-food-based, daily, superfood energizer and nutritive cleanse (26.4 oz.)
3) Digest + cleanse, which soothes gastrointestinal discomfort and supports healthy digestion ( 30 softgels )
I did this cleanse last spring and could not believe the energy I had after completely the 5 day journey. We all tend to have toxin exposure regularly and this simple, yet effective, strategy will keep your body on track and moving towards vibrant wellness.
Who here is ready to take part in 5 days of cleansing? And who’s already done the 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse? Share your experience.
You’ve heard me talk about digestive enzymes for a while now. I take them before meals to help my body break down the foods I eat to make them more digestible. It’s been great – but let me tell you I got to witness first-hand what Essentialzyme can do. I got a bowl of oatmeal and then sprinkles Essentialzyme-4 on it. After about 15 minutes, the oatmeal was more digested without it even being in my stomach yet. That’s what digestive enzymes can do. It‘s almost like you don’t know what you’re missing until you try it.
And no matter how “clean” you eat, none of our diets are 100% Our modern diet – along with the overall change in the food supply and soil – means that our food doesn’t have the same nutritional value as it did 10-20 years ago. Digestive enzymes help to balance digestive health and to stimulate overall enzyme activity to combat the modern diet. When I was at Winter Harvest, I learned from YL CEO and founder Gary Young himself that one of his must-have supplements to take daily is Essentialzyme.
I personally take Essentialzyme-4 or Detoxzyme 3 times a day between meals. It helps to – ahem – get things going in the bathroom, if you know what I mean. That’s a good thing. Elimination means getting stuff I don’t need getting out of my body. Digestive enzymes promote a healthy immune response and may support performance during exercise. You can use digestive enzymes with DiGize after every meal to support a wellness regimen.
And my kids take KidScents Mightyzme to help with digestive health and to stimulate enzyme activity to break down foods. This is a great one for kids to take daily – especially after a visit with grandma or the in-laws.
Who here has tried digestive enzymes? What differences have you noticed? If you haven’t tried it yet, tell me why want to try it.
DAY 13: LIFE 5
I used to think that all vitamins and supplements were basically the same. I’m not alone, right? Well, just like our essential oils – there’s a HUGE difference in quality and effectiveness when it comes to supplements. And I’ll tell you right now, you’re not going to get it at Costco or Wal-Mart.
Somone once told me that comparing Life 5 to a probiotic is like calling Clark Kent a paperboy. We all know Clark is Superman – and that’s the same with Life 5. It’s so much more than a probiotic. And that probably explains why I’ve never felt any difference when I took probiotics before. I wasn’t using Life 5.
As you probably know fermented foods like raw sauerkraut, kim chee, kefir and kombucha are vital to for intestinal health. The problem is that I don’t consume these foods every day, and I’m willing to be you don’t either. That’s why I LOVE Life 5. Like my Digestive Enzymes, Life 5 is part of my daily wellness routine. Life 5 builds and restores core intestinal health by providing five clinically proven probiotic strains, including two advanced super strains to enhance intestinal health, sustain energy and improve immunity. Life 5 contains 8 billion active cultures and improves colonization up to 10 times. And be sure to keep this refrigerated to preserve the active cultures. My kids take it too! I just open up the pill and sprinkle it in a little honey and they love it. Nothing I’ve ever taken from the health food store can compare to Life 5.
Probiotics are products that deliver “good” bacteria to the digestive tract. Studies show that they support digestive and immune systems by improving nutrient absorption and waste elimination. And think about the gut-brain connection. Interesting, right?! That’s not all. Life 5 is made with active (live) strains of bacteria – 5 preferred bacteria strains actually – and each strain has its own benefit.
Share your experience with Life 5, or why you need it. Bonus point: Take a photo.
Okay, admit it. Even though you try to eat as healthy as possible, you don’t get all the greens you need for the day. I’m raising my hand too. I’m often juggling work and kids, and honestly the last thing I even think about is making sure I eat my greens. That’s why I love MultiGreens.
Greens are oxygenating, immune-stimulating, and very high in antioxidants. MultiGreens is a nutritious chlorophyll formula designed to boost vitality – you know, so you have a little pep in your step. MultiGreens is made with spirulina, alfalfa sprouts, barley grass, bee pollen, eleuthero, Pacific kelp, and therapeutic-grade essential oils to support heart health and a provide GI support. It includes Melissa essential oil, which is great for boosting immunity. The other oils in multigreens are rosemary, lemon, and lemongrass, which are all great for the digestive system.
I’ve heard that MultiGreens is one of Young Living CEO Mary Young’s favorite products. Give it a try! Just take MultiGreens in the afternoon for a nutritional boost!
I find that his product really helps support my endocrine system along with Thyromin and Endoflex.
Share your experience with MultiGreens. Haven’t tried it yet? Why do you need it?
Wellness Challenge
We’ve been talking about a LOT of supplements this week. Now if I had to pare it down and suggest just two products to start with it would be NingXia Red and Master Formula. This one is more costly, but you get what you pay for!!
Master Formula is so unique. It’s a full-spectrum multivitamin and food-based nutrition for the whole body. It helps to neutralize free radicals and includes a prebiotic (a perfect companion for Life 5). What makes it unique is that there are 30 packets in each box – and each packet includes 4 supplements: 1 liquid capsure, 1 caplet and 2 capsules. This makes it easy to take them on the go or travel. Each supplement is absorbed into the body in 3 distinct delivery forms – for maximum absorption and effectiveness. That’s why essential oils cardamom, fennel, and ginger are used along with the fat-soluble viamins in the liquid capsule – to help the body absorb it better and faster. Isn’t that amazing?
In addition, Master Formula contains a blend of certified organic food extracts (such as grapefruit, lemon, kelp, spirulina, and barley grass) that provide vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B9, as well as whole food nutrition from foods like acai, turmeric, kale, elderberry and more.
I love Master Formula because it’s got iron, yet my stomach doesn’t get upset like other multivitamins. And it’s great for anyone 12 and older.
Why do you want to try Master Formula? What benefits are most appealing to you?