Homemade Facial Wash

Do you pay attention to what exactly you are putting on your face? Did you realize it is going IN your body? Scary fact when you look at all the known caricinogens around us daily! Have you ever looked at the active ingredients in your face wash?

image1-2Well here is the bad news…The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently released a consumer update warning that some products made with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid can result in “rare but serious and potentially life-threatening allergic reactions or severe irritation.”

Yikes! No one wants anything that could be life-threatening to be in their bodies! There IS a better way.

I want to offer you a simple, yet effective, solution to your face wash needs. It only takes a few ingredients and about 5 minutes to put together. This formula is soothing and gently cleansing for normal skin. For more aged or oily skin I would add tea tree oil to the recipe.

What you will need:
Empty 8 ounce foamer
Frankincense essential oil
Lavender essential oil
Geranium essential oil
Unscented Castile soap
Avocado oil

Buy here !


Fill foamer halfway with in scented Castile soap
Add 1 tablespoon avacado oil
8 drops frankincense
6 drops lavender
4 drops geranium
Shake vigorously! Enjoy! I use this morning and night, or interchangeably with the ART gentle cleanser from Young Living.