EASY Sunscreen Recipe!

Fun in the SUN? But wait, isn’t the sun bad?? Well, if you do not take the proper precautions, prolonged sun exposure can be anything but fun. Have you ever really looked at the products you are using to “protect” your skin from the sun?

Quick rule: apply sunscreen every hour to be on the safe side.

Do you look at the label on your sunscreen and read the ingredients? Do you know what you are putting on your body? What goes ON your body, goes IN your body. Can you pronounce the ingredients that are in your products? I have found that there are some I will just NEVER be able to say properly, much less understand what is actually in them. How many ingredients are listed? The fewer the better. These are some things to notice.

Did you know that sun block(look closely at the ingredients and warning labels)  has a caution that states “may be carcinogenic?” Do you understand that means it is known to cause cancer? WAIT! Isn’t sun block supposed to PREVENT skin cancer? What if I told you that you can make your own? By using YLEO’s, you can give health to your body while you are protecting it from the harmful rays of the sun!! Go out in the sun feeling safe and happy and not having to worry if your child puts his fingers in his mouth or your dog licks your leg…the homemade sunscreen is able to be ingested!  Can you say that about the GROSS sunscreen you buy in the store??

All natural sunscreens can easily be made with pure therapeutic essential oils and a carrier oil, like fractionated coconut oil that has SPF 8 naturally. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years to both prevent and to treat sunburns.

My recipe:

4 ounce spray bottle (glass preferred)

20 drops carrot seed oil

4 drops lavender oil

Fill with fractionated coconut oil

Go out and have FUN!!


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